Your first digital creation: how to create an NFT

In the decentralized NFT ecosystem, anyone can be a creator of non-replaceable tokens, and so can you. The process of creating NFTs is called issuance. Although different platforms are used to issue NFTs, the procedure is roughly the same everywhere. It usually consists of the following steps.

Connecting the wallet. To interact with any NFT platform, you need a cryptocurrency wallet, such as the Trust Wallet browser extension. You then need to go to the chosen platform, such as OpenSea, and find a way to connect your wallet.

Creating your first NFT. Once your wallet is connected, you will have the option to create your first digital collectible. You will be prompted to upload a digital file, describe it, and provide other necessary information such as the blockchain on which your NFT will be hosted. You will then be able to release your NFT. This will incur a gas fee, so you should have the appropriate amount in your wallet.

Putting your NFT up for sale. After issuing your NFT, you can put it up for sale using the appropriate function on the platform of your choice.

An NFT issuance transaction using a smart contract is different from a normal wallet-to-wallet transfer transaction. It is often more expensive. It consumes more resources to store data than a normal transfer. On most modern blockchains this cost is usually very low, but on the Ethereum network it remains relatively high. To reduce the fee, it is recommended to create NFTs during low traffic periods when network utilization is minimal. You can also use techniques such as lazy minting, where the issuance of the token is paid for by the buyer.

There are several trading platforms where NFTs can be issued. Among the most popular are the following:


OpenSea is the largest and most reputable marketplace where you can buy and sell all kinds of NFTs from the categories of art, photography, sports and music, as well as many other types of digital collectibles. OpenSea supports several blockchain networks including Ethereum, Klatyn and Polygon.


Rarible is a leading marketplace for rare sports and multimedia NFT collections with low gas fees and a small carbon footprint. The platform has its own token called RARI. Currently, Rarible only supports Ethereum, Tezos, Polygon, and Immutable X.


SuperRare is an NFT marketplace positioned as an art gallery and focused primarily on the interests of creators. As a consequence, most NFTs on this platform are works of art rather than memes. The Ethereum network is used to issue and trade NFTs on this marketplace.

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