Despite its enormous potential, blockchain gaming still faces a number of challenges on its way to mass adoption:
Scalability and transaction costs
Many blockchain games run on networks like Ethereum, which can experience congestion and high transaction fees during peak hours. This can make the game expensive for users with limited budgets. Solutions such as sidechains and layer 2 networks are being developed to address these issues.
Complexity for new users
Setting up a wallet, buying cryptocurrencies and understanding the mechanics of NFT can be overwhelming for newcomers. Games need to improve the user experience to make them more accessible to the general public.
Cryptocurrency volatility
The value of rewards in “play to earn” type games is often tied to the volatile cryptocurrency market. This can lead to volatile returns, which can deter some players from fully participating.
Balance between fun and profit
Finding the right balance between entertainment and earning opportunities is critical. Some games risk turning into simple “rip-off” challenges, losing the fun factor that initially makes the game enjoyable.